Organising committee

2nd BALO Symposium (2024)

Lauren Speare

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Lauren is an Assistant Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her work focuses on interbacterial interactions and aims to leverage predation by marine Bdellovibrios as possible probiotics to combat disease in marine animals.

Lab homepage:

Stella Sultan

University of Birmingham, UK

Stella is a PhD student in the Lovering lab. Here, she is characterising predatosome proteins in Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus using structural methods (primarily X-ray crystallography) and other biochemical techniques.

Lab homepage:

Kim Summers

University of Warwick, UK

Kim is an alumni from the Kreft lab, where she studied population dynamics of Bdellovibrio, prey species and decoys using a combination of chemostat arrays and mathematical modelling. Kim is not currently working with BALOs.

Lab homepage:

Janna Wülbern

Kiel University, Germany

Janna is a PhD student in the Schulenburg lab. Her research focuses on understanding the impact of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus predation on microbial community diversity in the host system Caenorhabditis elegans in controlled laboratory conditions.

Lab homepage:

Organising committee: 1st Bdello Symposium (2022)

Laura Hobley (Co-organiser)

School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham, UK

The Hobley lab uses a multidisciplinary approach to study bacterial interactions, including predation by Bdellovibrio, host-pathogen interactions and biofilm formation by Gram-negative pathogens.

Lab homepage:
Twitter: @HobleyLab

Andrew L. Lovering (Co-organiser)

School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, UK

The Lovering lab uses protein structure function to explain the molecular basis of Bdellovibrio predation and lifestyle; quite often this involves attributing function to cryptic genes.

Lab homepage:

Simona G. Huwiler (Lead organiser)

Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of Zurich, CH

The Huwiler lab uses ‘OMICS’ technologies to learn about predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus.

Lab homepage:
Twitter: @HuwilerLab